
Das Kosmoskonzert Nummer 29 abgesagt. // Wir sehen uns hoffentlich beim Kosmoskonzert Nummer 30 am 11. Mai wieder.

Und die wunderbare Musik von Ceeys, könnt ihr zwischendurch hier  erleben mit dem Song „Horizont“


KOSMOSKONZERTE #29 mit Garreth Broke (UK), Jakob Lindhagen & Vargkvint (SE) & CEEYS (DE)

Am 6.4.2020

Einlass: 19 Uhr, Beginn 20 Uhr // Empfohlener Eintritt: 5-15 EUR

Im Kosmos des Rechenzentrums

Garreth Broke

Garreth has been composing music since his early teens, initially purely for pleasure but increasingly as a way to escape the crisis that enveloped his family when his severely depressed mother attempted suicide. After studying music at the University of Oxford, he began collaborating with German contemporary artist Anna Salzmann on a series of works that combined music and art. 2019’s Healing is a 25 minute suite for solo piano that interacts with a video featuring a series of 11 abstract paintings by Salzmann, resulting in the richest and most moving of these collaborations to date.

Jakob Lindhagen & Vargkvint

Focusing on combining evocative melodies with inventive instrument usage, Swedish musicians Jakob Lindhagen and Sofia ”Vargkvint” Nystrand, has recently made names for themselves within the modern classical world, both as a duo and as separate acts. Regularly composing for films, to i.e Cannes-competing ”Push It”, Swedish Academy-awarded ”Skörheten” (Fragility) and Berlinale-nominee ”Tweener”, Jakob has also released solo album ”Paces” through contemporary classical label 1631 Recordings, as well as contributing to the label’s popular ”Piano Cloud Series”. Vargkvint originally self-released her debut-EP ”Brus” in 2016, but had it reissued by French label Soft Recordings the year after, and with her follow-up album “Hav” scheduled for release in 2019 on Piano And Coffee Records.

The duo has toured internationally on several occasions, including a performance at Q3Ambientfest in 2018.


CEEYS– are the multitalented instrumentalists and musicians Sebastian and Daniel Selke.
Combining a shared passion for music and an impressive resume working alongside fellow
luminaries Ólafur Arnalds and Peter Broderick, they just released their
latest album HIDDENSEE in 2019. Their 4th duo production again quickly amassed an organic following of listeners
and got acclaim from tastemakers like Mary Anne Hobbs and BBC Radio 6:

“It’s an extraordinary piece of music. It’s the work of two brothers, Sebastian on cello and Daniel on piano, and together
they play as CEEYS. I saw them premiere tracks from their new album at a gig that I went to very recently in Berlin.
This is a project which is written about the buildings that surrounded them in their childhood,
growing up on the streets of East Berlin.“

They already started planning the 4th edition of their up and coming Q3Ambientfest –

a music happening for contemporary music, 2020 with a mesmerizing collaboration from CEEYS w/ Peter Brodericks and Daniel O’ Sullivans latest duo project CONSTANT PRESENCE. Live on stage, this performance follows their ambient album on Thesis Project
released in the form of a 10 inch vinyl with handmade artwork by Gregory Euclide.



Kosmos (EG)

Kunst- und Kreativhaus Rechenzentrum

Dortustraße 46

14467 Potsdam