

Im Januar freuen wir uns, zu einem weiteren Kosmoskonzert einzuladen, diesmal mit Enzo Caterino, Iván Muela und CEEYS.


Eintritt: 19 Uhr

Show: 20 Uhr

Eintrittsempfehlung: 5-15€

Ticketreservierung über karten@rz-potsdam.de

Wenn noch Platz ist, kommt ihr auch ohne rein. Wir veranstalten momentan ohne Gs (abhängig von den dann tagesaktuellen Regelungen). Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr euch vorher selbsttestet.

:::::: Enzo Caterino ::::::
Freiburg based cellist and composer Enzo Caterino attended his studies in Italy and later moved to Germany where since 2013 is playing and composing for many musical generes, from classical to jazz.



:::::: Iván Muela ::::::

Iván Muela is a Spanish multi-instrumentalist, composer and sound artist based in London. He has released a number of albums and EP’s under labels such as Fluttery Records and Rusted Tone Recordings, in which he explores the seams between classical and experimental music.
Ivan’s performances range from intimate piano concerts to full scale, experimental events with his live sets containing any combination of piano, tape loops, guitar pedals, synths and contact mics to create soundscapes that are sometimes classical, sometimes ambient and sometimes avant-garde but always touching and thought-provoking.






:::::: Brueder Selke ::::::

The award-winning East Berlin-born, Potsdam-based, polyinstrumental composer duo Brueder Selke (CEEYS), with Sebastian Selke on cello and his brother Daniel Selke on piano, is continuously expanding the repertoire of its two main instruments.
In their work, they create a profoundly experimental yet accessible tonality between avant-garde & pop which intelligently incorporates dynamically manipulated and processed acoustic & electronic elements of classical chamber music, free jazz, cinematic ambient pads, abstract noise and dignified chill-out sounds. Ultimately it is encounters & exchanges with like-minded friends and renowned fellow artists that inspired them to their own concert formats such as the Q3Ambientfest.

“The themes of our releases draw, above all, from encounters and exchanges with friends, colleagues, and our listeners around the globe. They are the result of lived experiences.”
New music and projects are set for release in 2023.
